Thursday, November 5, 2015

International politics

In the modern time and international politics the world turns form of influencing from this view the concept of polarity is very influential .First of all, in the early Nineties the world unipolar shaping with the giant USA but couples of decades the domination of the that USA has been collapsed down. As a result new emerging countries are raising their strength over the world. These are the formation of multipolarism which has been introduced in the recent era.
Polarity :
There are three kinds of polarity based on the distribution of power and influence of the sates in a region.

First stage “multipolarity” (1750-1945) :
From a historical perspective, between the 1750s to 1945, the first stage in history was a multipolar one. Countries such as Prussia, England, Spain, France, and Russia all possessed standing armies and powerful navies. All these nations had a military potential of up to 40%  economic potential of up to 25-30%  by 1872.

Second stage “bipolarity” (1945-1990) :
After World War II international political became bio-polar . These two separate spheres of influence consisted of two conflicting ideological spheres of influence.
The former Soviet Union possessed almost the same capabilities as the United States.
Third stage “unipolarity” (1990-2008) :
The end of the cold war in 1990 was in 1990 was followed by a shift from a bio-polar to a unipolar world. Between 1991-2003, the world looked to America not just for leadership in maintaining peace and prosperity but as example of economic power as well.

Final stage “unipolar to multipolar” (2008-till ) :There is a great controversy about the present world politics. Because most of the political scientists think U.S.A has lost their unipolarity by their economic loss. And the present world is going to multipolar system again. It’s discussed in details below.

Recent Unipolarity OF USA:
After ending of cold war, USA has become the only super power who can lead the world. To become a super power, one must have enough political, economic, cultural and military strength to create hegemony to other countries.

Political  Hegemony of USA:
America has two main strategies to create the hegemony. One is friendship and other one is conflict.

America has made friendship with several capitalist countries to rule the world. It has a intimate relation with EU. It created Israel to control middle-east. It has several treaties with Japan, South Korea, India, and Pakistan and so on to ensure its interest over Asia. Australia, Newzeland, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and many others are friend of USA.

USA makes conflict with those states who take policy against its interest. It has made Israel to prolong conflict in middle-east. It uses Saudi Arabia against Iran in recent Yemen issue. Al Qaeda and ISIS are US products.

Economic Power :
The united state is the world largest national economy, representing 22% of national global GDP estimated to be $17.7 trillion as of Q4 2014. America created economic hegemony by creating several economic organizations like World Bank, I.M.F.,APEC, NAFTA.

Many other defense treaty and organization have enriched its power. NATO, ANZUS, ENTER AMERICAN TREATY RECIPROCAL ASSISTENCE, NDAP etc all are the initiative of USA. It has military assistance treaty with Australia, Japan, India, Pakistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, South Korea, Thailand and so on. It has over 9200 nuclear weapon by which it can destroy the whole world by several hundred times.

The USA spends more resource on defense than the next eight countries.

Technology :
USA is the number one in technology development. Google, Apple, Face book, Microsoft, NASA all are founded in USA.
Although undoubtedly USA is the only one super power in the world, But its empire is gradually seizing by other potential super power nation. Now we are going to discuss on it.

World is Changing :
Now it is to discuss in short how the world politics is changing from unipolar world to multipolar world.
     1.Economic Strength on Other State : Now USA is not only unique in economic strength . China already has better GDP than USA has. Russia, India, Japan, Beside EU specially Germany have enough strength to influence the world economy. On the other hand the economic power of USA is reducing due to inflation, lack of investment , deficit in the business, unemployment and the more expense to the military.

2.Alternative Center of Power : Alternative center of power has been developed in the world and they are slowly and gradually acquiring more and more power. For example; EU, ASEAN, BRICS and so on.
3.Military and atomic power of other state : After end of cold war USA become the only super power in the world but there next India, china, North korea and other states have increased their atomic power including military power to compare USA. Japan prime minister recently has announced that they will increase their military power to be a one of the super power.
4. Great Development in BRICS as a Eco-Genomics Bloc : BRICS states are being compared to the USA and EU as the most dominant military , political and economic players in the global arena.
5. Leading capacity of geo-political structure : In geop0olitically many other potential countries will consume leading position in their geo-political arena because of its population, GDP per capita etc.
6. Internal problem of USA : American hegemony will come to the era because their internal problems and we can predict that upcoming world will be multipolar.

Potential Countries to be Super Powers :
There is a table that is shown which countries are going forward to influence their respective region as well as the world with their economy, military and manpower. Here is the table :



Military Cost of  GDP (trillion)
North Asia
North Asia
South Asia
European Union
Latin America

                                                                                                                              …world bank survey 2013
China : The people’s Republic of China receives continual coverage in popular pressure of its emerging super power status. They have all the fact to establish the force on economical, political and technological power.
Japan : In the recent couple of decades Japan has marched their economical and technological level. More over in January Japan declared that soon they must formed a heavy weight military forces which clearly indicates to uprising their strength .
India : With the strong technological advancement ,entrepreneurship ,huge human resources, nuclear energy efficiency emerges India as a super power near future.
European Union :  European Union  has already got their super power status. But now they want to influence the other country through out of their  region.
Brazil : The country Brazil that has a important economic and political power to control over the Latin America .They also have the potentiality in the field of social, diplomatic and economical factors to be a new super power.
** Israel :  Israel is becoming the threat in middle east. It has above 80 nuclear weapons. It is a leading country in business and seizing lands for becoming a future super power.

In fine the world is in disarray. Several problems raising from economic crisis and geopolitical disputes to terrorism and conflicts over religions have come to the fore. Facing these events and wars the USA has weaken their power meanwhile some potential countries from Asia, Europe and Latin America emerged their economical power and political power individually or making alliance over the world. That is clearly shows the world turns into unipolar to multipolar.