Monday, November 16, 2015

Palestine Loss of land

The Palestinian -  Israeli conflict has dragged on for more than 115 years, where both claim historic and religious ties to the land. The geopolitical disputed area stretches over a 100,000 square-miles landscape, sitting between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River with an unresolved conclusion and far-reaching implications. Over the period of the conflict, Israel's share of land has gradually expanded.

The world zionist organization founded by Theodor Herzl in Basle during 1897; the base program stated: "Zionism seeks to establish a home for the jews people in Palestine, secured under public law."

Under the Balfour Declaration, United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour approves the establishment of a national home for Jews in Palestine.

The illustrated map demonstrates that more than 90% of the land belongs to Palestinians. During this period, Jewish settlers had paid for most of the land they occupied.

1947, U.N Partition Plan:
The U.N General Assembly initiates a plan to separate western Palestine into two states. While the Jewish Leader accepts, the Palestinian leaders reject the plan, resulting in uprisings,

1948-1949, Arab-Israeli war: 
The Jewish community declares itself independent in the new state of Israel. neighboring Arab states then intervened militarily, precipitating the first Arab-Israeli war.  The war left historic Palestine divided into three parts. The 1949 armistice gave Israel control over 77% of the territory. 

1956. Suez Crisis

The Six-Day War involves Israel fighting against three Arab states (Egypt, Jordan, and Syria). It results in Israel claiming control over Gaza and the strategic Sinai peninsula from Egypt, the West bank from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria and East Jerusalem. 

Gaza Expulsion Plan: As part of unilateral disengagement initiative, Israeli defense forces leave the Gaza Strip and four settlement in the northern West Bank. 

Israel Launches a massive air campaign on Gaza, with the declared goal of deterring Hamas. Palestinians submit a proposal for Membership and statehood to the U.N.